Sunday, December 11, 2011

Flat tire...not ALL bad

Last winter I had a flat tire situation and since I ran into the tire changer in shining armor I figured I would share this bit of goodness. Someone honked to let me know that my tire was very low (sad to say I didn't realize it at all) and so I pulled into the first gas station I could find. They wouldn't help me put air in (did I mention I'm clueless) and didn't have a garage to check if it was low or flat. Since I had now gotten out to see the damage it was clear that  "low" was a gross understatement but this place could not would not help me out. I had just picked up son #1 and had maybe a half hour before I had to get son #2. I drove on my rim to the car wash, gas station across the street and prayed that they could help. When I got there in the snow mind you, they told me they too had no garage. There was a guy standing there who was in charge of the car wash and I could tell that changing my tire wasn't really what he wanted to do in the current weather conditions but he said to pull into the car wash door and he would do it. I wanted to hug him! I had my little man in the car but he didn't mind the unexpected delay and I called little, little man's school. Everything was working out fine and I had this great good deed man changing my tire with his assistant. When he was done I asked how much and he pointed to the assistant.This wasn't really a typical service they offer so they didn't have a standard price to charge and I could tell it was becoming an awkward moment. I was soooo grateful so I just said "can I buy you lunch tomorrow." They both seemed to love the idea and off I went. The assistant told me they would both be there the next day. I called a bunch of pizza places and only Jets said they would be happy to get my order ready a few minutes earlier than they normally start so that I could get my boys on time and drop off the lunch. They were so sweet about it and said they were there hours earlier anyway. They are actually doing our birthday party next weekend because they are SO accommodating. I dropped off a pile of boxes stacked to my forehead, filled with pizza, subs, bread sticks and dessert. They pizza place did a good deed and helped me thank my saviors properly for their goodness. So grateful and so thrilled to experience such goodness in what started as a not so good situation.


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